These are the policies of the Big Bend Unit which pertain to the operation of this unit.
- Annual Dues:
- Authorization of Expenditures:
- Length of Membership before becoming an Officer:
- Payment to Attend the International Rally:
- Contribution upon Sickness or Death of a Member:
- Cost of the Unit Directory:
- Unit Directory:
- Cost to Attend a Portion of a Rally:
- Rally Fees:
- Use of the Lucky Dog at Rallies:
- Immediate Past President to be a Trustee:
- Finance and Audit Committee:
- Special Committees:
- Florida Board of Governors:
- Prospective Members:
- Campground Facilities:
The annual Unit dues of Regular and Affiliate members shall be ten ($10.00) dollars per member per calendar year, January 1 to December 31. provided however that Unit dues for new members joining between July 1 and December 1 shall be ten dollars ($10.00) for the remainder of that calendar year and also for the following calendar year. (April 1993)
The Treasurer shall disburse individual payments for the customary and reasonable operation of the Unit up to $50.00. Payments may exceed this amount upon submission the Treasurer off written receipt for reasonable coats associated with (1) the publication of the Unit newsletter, (2) the providing and updating of the Unit directory, and (3) the purchase of food and supplies for Unit events. Expenditures over $50.00 shall require Executive Board approval. (Dec./1988)
A person shall be a member of the Unit for one year before being eligible to hold an office in the Unit. (Feb./1988)
The Unit shall contribute $400 to the appointed delegate, normally the Unit President, to help defray the expenses of attending the International Rally. (Feb. 1991)
“Get Well” cards will be sent to Unit members who are sick and $25 will be contributed to a charity designated by the family upon the death of an active member. (Sept. 1990)
The cost of the Unit Directory to new members will be five dollars ($5.00) plus the mailing cost, if required. Annual updates will be supplied at no charge, plus mailing cost if required. (Nov. 1993 & March 2004)
The Unit Directory will be given free to each member each year. (May 16, 2009)
The cost to attend a portion of a rally shall be $5.00 for dinner and $3.00 for breakfast.
The normal rally fee is $7.50 per adult attending. (Feb. 2003)
The member whose name is drawn at random will have their rally fee returned (Feb. 1997)
The immediate past President will be a Trustee and a member of the Executive Board. (April 2007)
The Finance and Audit Committee shall consist of not less than three Unit members appointed by the President in office at the beginning of the fiscal year. The Committee shall audit the financial books and accounts of the Unit at the end of each fiscal year and submit a written report to the Executive Board and to the Treasurer. (April 2007)
The President may appoint special committees as desired each year. The special committees normally are: Advertising, Advisory, Arts and Crafts, Awards and Prizes, Directory, Games and Contests, Parliamentarian, Property, Safety and Maintenance, Site Selection, Sunshine, and Worship. (April 2007)
The President shall appoint a delegate and alternate to the Florida Board of Governors of the Florida State Rally. (April 2007)
Prospective members may be invited to a rally as guests of the Unit and the Unit will absorb the rally fee. (Nov. 1998)
Rally hosts are authorized to spend up to $50.00 per day for rental of campground facilities. Costs above $50.00 per day shall require Executive Board approval. (May 2016)