The following are the job duties of the Big Bend FL Unit officers as proposed by a committee consisting of John Duncan, Mac Palmer, Ken Davis, Carol Montague, and Jay Thompson
Section 1. The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
- Prepare an Agenda for each announced General Membership Meeting, Business meeting and/ or Executive Board Meeting.
- Study and enforce the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies of the Unit.
- Appoint all standing committees and the Parliamentarian.
- Conduct an Executive Board Meeting in May for the purpose of appointing one delegate and one alternate delegate who will attend the annual Delegates meeting of the parent organization, the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.
- Represent the Unit at the Florida State Rally:
- Help committees to obtain unit volunteers for tables, chairs, information center, etc.
- Provide the name of Florida Board of Governors member and an alternate.
- Plan to attend President’s Appreciation dinner with spouse.
- Carry and display Unit flag for opening ceremonies ( spouse to accompany).
- Plan at least one unit function (inviting all unit members and affiliate members )
- Prepare Unit Announcements for display on the bulletin board that is provided.
- Represent the Unit at the Region 3 Rally: (Location and date changes each year).
- Participate, with spouse, in opening flag ceremony.
- Unit is expected to provide a “door prize” ( Members should be asked at March meeting to help. If there is not adequate participation, a suitable gift, not exceeding $40 should be purchased, presented and reimbursement from unit sought.)
- Unit will be asked to participate in local Community Service Project,( toys, blankets, baby items, etc.)
- Plan at least one Unit function, inviting all attending members and affiliate members.
- Serve as Unit Voting Delegate at Delegates meeting.
- Represent the Unit at the International Convention/Rally: (Location changes each year)
- Attend the Presidents Appreciation Dinner with spouse.
- Participate in flag practice and flag presentation at opening ceremony (no spouse)
- Attend Region function.
- Display Unit Bulletin Board for announcements, roster, and competition.
- Submit Unit Newsletter and Unit Directory for competition.
- Host at least one Unit function inviting all attending members and affiliates.
- Consider hosting Unit Picnic on last day of Rally.
- Assume role of editor of Unit Newsletter:
- Publish via email
- Mail copies to members who do not have email access
- Email copies to Region Officers, Region historian and International headquarters.
- Make arrangements for the Installation Rally.
- Coordinate the Annual Memorial Service (candle lighting ceremony).
Section 2 The First Vice President shall:
- Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
- Assist the President, as needed.
- Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
- Provide a suitable gift for the outgoing President.
- Coordinate with the Treasurer in obtaining a Past President’s Flag for outgoing President.
- Obtain 7 to 10 Rally Sites for December thru November of the upcoming year, including Host and Co-host.
- Make arrangements for December Activity ( luncheon, dinner, rally, open house, etc.).
- Prepare and submit the Unit Planning Guide & Merit Award Program Form.
- Plan Rally activities, contests, games, and entertainment.
Section 3 The Second Vice President shall:
- Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
- Assist the President and 1st Vice President.
- Assume the duties of the 1st Vice President in the absence of said officer.
- Assume the duties of the President in the case of the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President.
- Perform the duties as assigned by the Executive Board.
- Plan, establish, and obtain Board Approval for a non-numbered Unit Caravan.
- Organize and publish a Unit Directory.
Section 4 The Third Vice President shall:
- Attend all business meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board.
- Assist the President, 1st Vice President, and 2nd Vice President.
- Assume the duties of the 2nd Vice President in the absence of said officer.
- Assume the duties of the President in the case of the absence of the President, 1st Vice President, and the 2nd Vice President.
- Perform the duties as assigned by the Executive Board.
- Maintain the Unit American Flag and display it at all announced business meetings.
- Maintain the Unit Bulletin Board and display it at all rallies.
- Coordinate the preparation of the Unit Bulletin Board to be displayed for competition at the International Convention/Rally. (Two separate Bulletin Boards)
- Coordinate any Community Service for the Unit (Pop Tops, Toy Drives, Jacket or Blanket Drives, Food Drives).
Section 5: The Unit Treasurer shall:
- Maintain the financial records of the Unit and receive all monies, as prescribed in International Bylaws, Article IV, Sec. 11A, and promptly deposit them in the bank previously chosen by the Executive Board. (Hancock Bank, Tallahassee, Florida)
- Notify members of expiration of dues, issue receipts for dues paid, and maintain an up-to-date roster of paid-up members for inclusion in the annual International directory and notify International headquarters of paid members (Changes to this roster shall be shared with the Recording Secretary, Unit President, and Membership Chairman.)
- Notify theMembership Chairman of all members who have not paid their dues by October 15th in order that the Membership Chairman can assist the Treasurer in contacting those members to collect their dues prior to November 1st.
- Submit a full written report of finances to the Executive Board at each meeting.
- Submit the books and accounts annually to the Audit Committee for the purpose of completing an Annual Audit of the records.
- After the Installation Rally, the newly elected Treasurer shall take over the Treasurer’s duties within 30 days of the Installation Rally. The Annual Audit shall be complete prior to transfer of duties.
- Disburse monies as necessary.
- Keep receipts for each expenditure.
- Compare and reconcile monthly bank statements to account records.
- Maintain a roster or data base file of all members in good standing including membership number, names, address, telephone numbers and e-mail address. Provide the foregoing listings to the web master, directory chairman and unit president on an as needed basis.
- Prepare and submit the Federal Tax Report as required.
- Serve as a member of the Unit Executive Board.
Section 6: The Recording Secretary shall:
- Record and preserve the minutes of all official meetings of the Unit and the Executive Board, and mail copies to the members of the Executive Board not more than fifteen days following each meeting.
- Record the attendance of the officers at each meeting and advise the presiding officer if a quorum is present.
- Maintain an up-to-date record of unit practices and policies and provide copies to each member of the Executive Board.
- Maintain a file of the latest Unit Officers’ Job Descriptions and provide a set to each new officer when nominated.
- Serve as a member of the Unit Executive Board.
- Notify International Headquarters as soon as possible of a current member’s demise for listing in the Blue Beret section “In Memoriam.”